Dry Vermouth Cocktail: Gibson London

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The original Gibson was invented for Charles Dana Gibson, who created the popular Gibson Girl illustrations. Supposedly, he challenged Charley Connolly, the bartender of the Players Club in New York City, to improve upon a martini. As the story goes, Connolly simply substituted an onion for the olive and named the drink after the patron. Famously ordered by Cary Grant in Hitchcock’s North by Northwest and featured more recently in the Queens Gambit, it is a classic twist on the Dry Martini and the pickle works well with the tart apple & gooseberry notes in our vermouth.



·         1 part London Vermouth Company No.3 S.E. Dry

·         2 parts Gin/Vodka (3 if you like them very dry)

·         Splash of cocktail onion juice

·         Cocktail onions to garnish



·         Chill cocktail glasses ideally for at least two hours

·         Stir ingredients in mixing glass with large block of ice (the larger the ice the less dilution)

·       Strain & garnish with at least 4 onions