

Not all innovation is invention. Some of the best innovations are builds on existing ideas (as eloquently put in the Tom Lehrer song quoted here). We tend however to be blind to what is happening outside our company, country, category or discipline. That’s why we need to be refreshed regularly with inspiration of breakthrough thinking globally. For agencies, advertisers and media owners , my annual alternative review of Cannes Festival of Creativity – “the best of the rest” has delivered this. Rather than feature winners, it highlights case studies, which with we can learn from to drive more ROI through creativity.

Interestingly coming with up ideas is the easy part. As the media entrepreneur and poet, Felix Dennis used to say “Ideas are ten a penny, but execution is everything.”. The hard bit is making ideas happen through selection, incubation and a robust business case. Across my career, I have turned many ideas into award winning work, but have lost many more on the way. My greatest insight however is that creativity should not be wasted on showing off with a sideshow, but should instead focus on what makes a real business difference to your brand and ROI.



